Friday, November 9, 2007

Target Practice

A couple of weeks ago, Dad and Mom bought Eric a knife and tomahawk throwing DVD from Vision Forum along with two throwing knives and a tomahawk. On the DVD, the instructor had made his targets out of tree stumps, and Eric was inspired to make his own.

Nice color choices :)

I am standing out of the way! Eric is really impressive when he throws his knives. :)

I, on the other hand, am not so great. :) Maybe he can give me lessons! Every time I throw the tomahawk, it either ends up in a tree or we can't find it. :) I think I'm going to have to get a few pointers from my 12 year old brother...just in case I ever come across a bear or a ravenous squirrel. Not like I would have the courage to actually kill it anyway. ;) ~Alli

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