Okay, I got off to a rough start. :) In order to make the chocolate bowls, you melt chocolate and then dip an inflated balloon in it to make the bowl shape. When it hardens in the refrigerator, you pop the balloon and...voila! Well, I was not thinking and dipped a balloon in piping hot chocolate fresh out of the microwave! KABOOM! There was chocolate all over the kitchen! I think I still have some in my hair. :) So, if you want to make this dessert, please make sure your chocolate has cooled!
To make the mousse: Whip a carton of whipping cream with a mixer or a whisk (the chef held three whisks together and whisked the cream making it go a lot faster!), melt some chocolate in a separate bowl (I used a bar of Baker's chocolate), then pour the whipped cream, a little bit at a time, into the melted chocolate. The chef added a scoop of whipped cream to the chocolate first to temper it and cool it down a little bit before adding the rest. Then you fold it together...not too much or the whipped cream will loose its fluffiness. Then, I scooped the mousse into a plastic baggie, snipped a corner, and piped it into the chocolate bowls. We had raspberries sprinkled on ours, but you could also use strawberries.
Mom's bowl :)
Oh another thing...if I were going to make this recipe again, I would make the bowls a lot smaller! This is a really rich dessert! It was very good though, and it is a recipe that is definitely going in the recipe box. :) The "queen" enjoyed it! Happy birthday Mom! We love you!
Julie, Happy Birthday!! Sounds like Alli made a wonderful dessert for you!
Alli, thanks for sharing your experiences in the kitchen!
And I like your new header! I love Tony's artwork.
Wow! Those are so pretty!!
I hope you had a wonderful birthday Julie!! You are such a dear sweet friend! Next time you do the meals list put Alli down for dessert and specify "Chocolate bowls with chocolate mousse"...OK? :o)
I hope you had a wonderful birthday Julie!! You are such a dear sweet friend! Next time you do the meals list put Alli down for dessert and specify "Chocolate bowls with chocolate mousse"...OK? :o)
Alli, the dessert looks so.... good. I expect to be treated to one when I come out to visit. The new site is beautiful. Keep up the good work and good food. Love and Happy Birthday again to Mom and Dad. Love Nan
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