Monday, November 19, 2007

Roll Making Technique

Today I am making rolls! I love making rolls but whenever I do make them, they always turn out lumpy, uneven, and different sizes. :) That's why I was so excited when I learned about making yeast breads and rolls in my Wholesome Food Prep course because Sue Gregg taught a little trick you can use to get perfect even-sized rolls every time!

Step one: Take a little bit of dough and stretch it to make a mushroom cap (make sure your hands are greased well with oil so it isn't sticky!)

Step two: Shape your fingers in an "O" shape and push the dough up through it with your other fingers

Step three: Squeeeeeeze the dough to make a little puff like this (See my other fist? I must be squeezing this one really hard. :) It's a good way to take out all of your frustrations. ;) I have no idea what I was doing with that hand!)

After you've squeezed the dough, pinch the excess off of the bottom or tuck it under your roll. Isn't that neat? I love how this technique makes the tops of the rolls so smooth! Give it a try!

Ta da! And they actually rose this time...unlike my last attempt at making bread. :) I'm still blaming it on the yeast! ~Alli

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