Friday, June 22, 2007

Tony's Garden

Here is a picture of Tony's garden. We thought our Papa in GA would like to see. HI PAPA AND SHERRI! Tony has been working very hard on it this year. In the past, due to our schedules, it was a little over grown with weeds. This year we have purposed to keep the weeds down. So far so good. It can however, get away from you quickly :)

These are beans ready to go up the trellis. Hopefully the rabbits will only eat the first plant. We are going to try our hats at canning squash and zucchinis. Recipes anyone? I prefer something really easy. I've made zucchini relish is the past and that was yummy. We'll keep you posted. ~Julie p.s. thank goodness for spellcheck for zucchini:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks good and healthy!! Your garden is a little ahead of ours; we have blooms on the squash but nothing growing yet as we planted a little later. Can't wait to see it all in person this weekend! We've only frozen squash and not canned anything. So can't help you with recipes.